Freitag, 14. Mai 2010


Urban Camouflage Parka by Pia Drechsel

How to avoid surveillance

What are you looking at by Banksy

ed5 intervention by William Lamson

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010

Colourful streets

Greener pedestrian Walk by DDB group in China

Rosenthaler Platz in Berlin Mitte by some unknown

Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

Public Design Intervention Do-It-Yourself

As part of my research I investigated into the diffrent methods, phenomena and practices of urban intervention. It was amazing to see how many people intervene with the spaces a city holds. If it is because of discontent with the city-planning, because of stupid public design or just to find new ways of expressing oneself. Public Design Interventions are more or less strategic transformations of space, reappropriation of public goods and creative interaction with the public sphere.
The Public Design Intervention DIY Guide is a byproduct of my thesis. It comes with a starter set for uraban guerilla activists and is available from KISD Shop.

Samstag, 2. Januar 2010

Happy transformations

Streetsign by spy

guerilla scate ramp by justin farelly